Tag Archives: beer-up-the-butt chicken

Recipe: Za’atar Beer Can Chicken

zatar beer can chicken

“…yes, the name can be a little crass: beer-up-the-butt chicken, beer-butt chicken, butt chicken… Call it “vertically roasted chicken,” so as not to offend anyone’s delicate sensibilities. Swap the beer with another beverage: ginger beer, iced tea, cola, cider or even some of that Champagne in a can that fancy people can surely, ahem, get behind. The effect still stands, so long as the bird is perched upright over a cylinder of liquid.” *

“Spice” up your grilled chicken by adding a taste of Mid-Eastern / North African flavors to the basic Beer Can Chicken recipe. 

Za’atar Beer Can Chicken


  • For the Chicken:
  • One 3½- to 4-pound chicken, patted dry
  • 1 can light beer, half empty

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