Spicy Green Tomato Pickles
Too many tomatoes? Here is a great recipe for pickled, and spicy, tomatoes.
Servings Prep Time
5-6servings 1hr
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
5-6servings 1hr
Cook Time
  1. Quarter green tomatoes into a large bowl, for very small ones I just half them.
  2. Set up clean sterile Wide Mouth Quart Jars and lids.
  3. Bring to a boil, 2 parts white vinegar and 1 part water, enough to fill all the jars you are making.
  4. Place 2 cloves of garlic in each jar.
  5. Add 2-3 jalapeno peppers to each jar. Any hot pepper will do.
  6. Stuff jars with quartered green tomatoes.
  7. Add 1 teaspoon of salt to the top of each jar.
  8. Pour boiling Vinegar and Water into each jar.
  9. Wipe the rims of the jars and place prepared lids according to the jar manufactures instructions.
  10. Turn upside down to cool and vacuum lids. No water bath or they will get mushy!
  11. Allow 1 month for the tomatoes to reach full flavor. They get better they longer the sit.
Recipe Notes

Featured Spices:

Curing Salt

White Vinegar Powder

Recipe source: food.com – Spicy Green Tomato Pickles