Recipe: Spiced Fruit Syrup w/ Grains of Paradise

It’s been said that Grains of Paradise is the best spice you’ve never heard of!! Grains of Paradise are from the ginger family and have a pungent, peppery flavor.

“I put a few between my teeth and crunched. They cracked like coriander, releasing a billowing aroma, and then a slowly intensifying heat, like pepperGrains of Paradise. The taste changed by the second. The heat lingered. But the spice was pleasantly tempered, ripe with flavors reminiscent of jasmine, hazelnut, butter and citrus, and with the kind of oiliness you get from nuts. They were entirely different from black peppercorns… Grains of paradise are dense fragrance underlined with heat. And that brings food to life in a way that black pepper never does.” *

Here’s a simple recipe “Spiced Fruit Syrup” using Grains of Paradise.

Spiced Fruit Syrup with Grains of Paradise **


3/4 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cup dry white vermouth
1/2 cup water
2 tablespoons chopped rosemary leaves
2 tablespoons chopped ginger
2 teaspoons slightly crushed grains of paradise
2 tablespoons sherry vinegar


Combine 3/4 cup sugar, 3/4 cup dry white vermouth, 1/2 cup water, 2 tablespoons chopped rosemary leaves, 2 tablespoons chopped ginger, 2 teaspoons slightly crushed grains of paradise, and 2 tablespoons sherry vinegar in a large pot.

Bring to a boil, lower the heat, and simmer for about 10 minutes. Strain and cool.

Sprinkle over fresh fruits such as strawberries, mango, melon, and peaches.

 ** Recipe: Chow – Spiced Fruit Syrup with Grains of Paradise

* Quote: NY Times – What Peppercorns Only Dream of Being (Amanda Hesser)